With just one tiny capful, small & mighty® removes dirt and stains from an entire load of laundry while Fresh Release Essentials® provide time-released freshness throughout your day.
Available in: Wild & Fresh® Stainlifter™ Essence of Snuggle® Relax & RefreshFresh Rain®

all® Free clear is the #1 detergent recommended by dermatologists for sensitive skin. It’s also recommended by allergists. This special formula has all the stain lifting power of all® but is free of dyes, perfumes, enzymes and preservatives. That means it’s tough on stains yet gentle enough for the whole family's clothes.
Available in: Free Clear (3x) Free Clear (2x) Free Clear (HE)
With baseball practice, baseball games, school uniforms, police uniforms, work clothes, and workout clothes, etc... I have alot of laundry to do. I have grass stains from my son's uniforms to sweat stains from the workout clothes that I have had issues with. So many laundry detergents out on the market now are labeled as stain removers but i have been disappointed. I tried all® on all my loads and guess what, it is small & mighty. This past week my son slid more than ever into the bases and got dirtier than i have ever seen him but all the dirt came out. His uniform looks squeeky clean and it is ready for playoffs next week, and his special guest appearance on Sunday with the Houston Astros. Thanks to BSM Media/momselect, i will be able to allow my readers to try all®.
Here is how you can enter this giveaway:
1. Tell me about your worst stain story (1 entry)
2. Follow my blog (1 entry)
3. Follow me on twitter @independentmami (1 entry)
4. Tweet this- Youth Sports..please comment #responsiblesports http://bit.ly/E5OsI pls RT (1 entry/day)
5. Post a comment on my blog post-June 24, ResponsibleSports asks parents...(5 entries)
I have two coupons to give away. Winner will be picked on July 4 at midnight. Remember to leave your email address. Winners will have 48 hours to contact me with their mailing address. Good luck to everyone.
I can't tell you about the worst stain I have ever had but I will tell you the worst stains I have to deal with weekly. My Honey stains his white under shirts with nasty yellow underarm sweat...yuk. No matter how much clorox I use the stains just don't come out!:(
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My worst stain has to be when I fell and hit the back of my head. There was blood everywhere. The shirt I was wearing was a lost cause but everything else is still wearable because I use All Small & Mighty.
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My worst stain has to be the time my son was wearing a white shirt and decide to get the ketchup him self. He poured it just great but leaned into his plate when he went to put the ketchup back on the table. HUGE RED ketchup stain right in the middle. still there just faded..play shirt now.
nightowlmama at comcast dot net
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My worst stain is blood from my son's nosebleeds he has a nosebleed at least every other day and they are not fun to get out especially when he is wearing white!
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With a family of 7 people, I spend hours every day on my most formidable household chore--laundry!The worst stains that I have to tackle are ground in dirt and grass stains that are unrelenting!
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Falling down while I was mowing the lawn. It was damp and I slid all the way down the hill! (and broke my leg in the fall)
The worst stain ever was when my husband worked temporarally cleaning out acid tanks==he had to be hosed off before he could enter the house
My husband is an Auto Technician and he usually brings his uniforms home for me to wash. I have used many different detegertents and none seem to take the stains out, only the nasty grease odor. I will like to at last find something that will remove those hard grease stains.
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Thank you all for entering. Here are the two winners.
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Max: 42
aggie said...
commented on your blog about Responsilbe Sports asks parents.
June 25, 2009 4:34 PM
True Random Number Generator
JoAnnaEmma said...
3.I left a comment on your blog for ResponsibleSports asks parents!
June 26, 2009 8:22 AM
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