Did you know that the NHTSA's (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) Child Passenger Safety Week is this week? Or that Seat Check Saturday is this Saturday?
National Seat Check Saturday: September 12, 2009
National Child Passenger Safety Week: September 12-18, 2009
- 3 out of 4 carseats are not installed as they should be, putting children at risk.

- This Saturday is "Seat Check Saturday," and NHTSA is asking all parents using a child safety seat to have their installation checked at one of the centers available across the country.
Below I am including links to where you can get more information for yourself or your loved ones. Pass the information along.
LATCH landing page: http://childcarsafety.adcouncil.org
The following links are located on the landing page above:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Child-Passenger-Safety/144641660131
Child Passenger Safety: www.nhtsa.gov/cps
Twitter: http://twitter.com/childseatsafety
Inspection Station Locator: http://www.nhtsa.gov/cps/cpsfitting/index.cfm
Recall Information from NHTSA:
Child Seat Registration:
Disclosure statement for my post: Amy Lupold Bair, founder of Momfluence, is acting on behalf of NHTSA's child passenger safety efforts.

1 comment:
What a heart breaking story about your friend's brother. I will be extra, extra careful with my little ones in their car seats now!
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