
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Child Passenger Safety Week

When I was in high school a good friend of mine lost her little brother in a car accident. He flew out of the side window in his mom's truck. The mom only had the infant baby in a car seat. She thought he was big enough and did not need one. He died instantly when he hit the pavement. His mom was not going fast. She was in a school zone and had just dropped my friend off at school. She saw the whole thing. I went to my first funeral and it was not something I like to remember. He was so small and the only boy. For that reason, I make sure to buckle up my loved ones, especially the little ones.

Did you know that the NHTSA's (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) Child Passenger Safety Week is this week? Or that Seat Check Saturday is this Saturday?

National Seat Check Saturday: September 12, 2009
National Child Passenger Safety Week: September 12-18, 2009

- 3 out of 4 carseats are not installed as they should be, putting children at risk.

- This Saturday is "Seat Check Saturday," and NHTSA is asking all parents using a child safety seat to have their installation checked at one of the centers available across the country.

Below I am including links to where you can get more information for yourself or your loved ones. Pass the information along.

LATCH landing page:

The following links are located on the landing page above:
Child Passenger Safety:
Inspection Station Locator:

Recall Information from NHTSA:

Child Seat Registration:

Disclosure statement for my post: Amy Lupold Bair, founder of Momfluence, is acting on behalf of NHTSA's child passenger safety efforts.

1 comment:

  1. What a heart breaking story about your friend's brother. I will be extra, extra careful with my little ones in their car seats now!
