I know you have been waiting to hear about the Bachelorette Party, so here it is. First let me start by saying I totally understand if you want to look away now if you don't feel comfortable with hearing about the fun we had.
Let me introduce you to the 2 brides. Yes you heard right. Maria & Evelyn
If you read my previous post, you will understand that Evelyn and I were bestfriends from long distance for many reasons we sometimes couldn't control. So in my place came Maria. Maria and Evelyn have been bestfriends since middle school. And now they are both taking the leap together. So they have decided to share some of these happy moments. Which brings us to the Bachelorette party. About a month ago I started thinking of what I could give Evelyn for her bachelorette party that she would really enjoy. Or did I want to give her a gag gift. I wasn't too sure what I was going to do. But I remember back 2 years ago when I was a maid of honor, I had the privilege, yeah right, to plan a bachelorette party with the bride. We went to raunchie places that made me feel so uncomfortable. I didn't want anyone to see me coming out of those places. We didn't buy any games and just ran out of the stores with nothing. At the bachelorette party we ended up playing Uno and just sitting around the table talking, reminiscing, and eating. Yes, I know how boring. A bachelorette party is suppose to be this big party of girls doing crazy things or just plain having fun. Evelyn and I have had our fun moments. So this time I wasn't going to let Evelyn down. I was looking for fun games we could play on this fun nite.
Thanks to Eden Fantasys for sending me some fun goodies for our bachelorette party. Eden Fantasys has many things to choose from like adult games and toys. Here is what we received and what we think...
Bachelorette party kit
Gags by Topco Sales Price:$15.99
This party box is perfect. It has fun games you will want to play. Remember playing pin the tail on the donkey, well there is the bachelorette version, Kiss the Stud. This kit includes everything you will need to break the ice with a big group of girls. Sometimes breaking the ice is hard with a big crowd. We had so much fun and we all were involved.

Bachelorette roulette
Adult game by Little Genie Price:$15.99
This game was so much fun. With 14 ladies and these dare cards there was bound to be some craziness. Who doesn't love a dare? I love dares. I have always been really shy around strangers. In a club full of strangers we attempted to play the Bachelorette roulette. It was so much fun. Going up to strangers trying to get free drinks. Walking with toilet paper on your shoe, how embarassing. We tried to keep score on the score cards provided but we lost track of who was winning from how much fun we were having.
If you are looking for some fun games to play at a birthday party, girl's nite out, or a bachelorette party, Eden Fantasys has plenty to choose from. No need to leave your house. You can purchase online and have it delivered to your home. The website is user friendly. But again I do warn you that there are sexually explicit items on there website like sex toys, adult toys, and adult games.
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