I really am speechless at this one. And it takes alot to shut this girl up. I really appreciate each and everyone of my followers. Again THANK YOU for following.
The Best Blog Award rules are:
To accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.
Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have recently discovered and think are great! Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Drum roll please.....
1. Mommy Daddy Blog
2. Common Sense with Money
3. STL Mommy
4. Deal Seeking Mom
5. Mom Saves Money
6. Midday Escapades
7. Mommy Factor
8. The Dirty Shirt
9. Hip Mamas Place
10. Kiddies Corner Deals
11. Super Dumb Super Villain
12. Geek Mommy
13. Potamus Prefers
14. My Four Monkeys
15. Free Sample Freak
For real, Alba??? Thanks so much for this award. It is quite the timing, too because I was just preparing a post about receiving this very same one from Angela. Now I can add your name as my second presenter.
Congratulations to you on getting this award!! You have a super blog.
Congratulations on winning the award!! You deserve it!
Oh, how cool! Thank you so much, Alba. So sweet of you! :)
Great blog, by the way. ;)
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