Es el tiempo para cocinar y comer mucha comida deliciosa. Tienes una receta fabulosa?
It is that time for cooking and eating great food. Do you have a delicious recipe?
Then why not enter it in a contest. Go to www.larecetademicocina.com for more details
•Deadline is Dec. 31, so get cooking! LOL
•Recipes can range from main courses and side dishes to desserts, with each entry using at least one of Que Rica Vida's 14 priority brands, plus additional ingredients and serving ideas.
•No worries, the products are things we use everyday and list of them can be found in quericavida .com or www.larecetademicocina.com
•Grand prize winner will receive a complete dining room makeover including a new dining room table, dining chairs and area rug, plus an elegant set of china and silverware for eight plus a trip to General Mills headquarters in Minneapolis, where they will receive a personal tour of the famous Betty Crocker Kitchens, and its Cocina Hispana.
•Second and third place finalists will also be awarded $500
Good luck!
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