I was born in El Salvador but was raised in the USA. About 6 years ago when I went home for the first time, I saw how blessed I am to live here. My son and I were told not to drink the water. I always thought they were just exagerating but they weren't. The water there is not filtered and cleaned as it is here. I made the mistake of drinking the water one time. I was sick for the entire week. I was so weak and feverish. I threw up everything I ate. Anything that made it passed came straight down too. I couldn't move. I couldn't eat. I just laid in bed between hot and cold sweats. Now this was from one time of drinking the water. I would not want to imagine the water in many places around the world. I would not allow my son to drink this water. This is why I am so glad I was asked to pass this information along to you. Covergirl a major make up brand, I use has now join forces with a great program I fully support.

The brand kicked off 2010 with COVERGIRLs Dania Ramirez and Queen Latifah who announced the charitable partnership between its Clean brand of makeup and the Children’s Safe Drinking Water (CSDW) program, an organization dedicated to addressing the critical, global need for clean, safe drinking water. In celebration of the millions of loyal Clean Makeup users, COVERGIRL launched the campaign, “COVERGIRL Clean Makeup for Clean Water,” with a one-time $500,000 contribution to CSDW.
Dania returned to her native Dominican Republic in September to help kick off the campaign by delivering a year’s supply of clean drinking water to villages in need. Watch the video here
Dania returns home.
In addition, COVERGIRL is making it possible for you to join the global effort to supply clean, safe drinking water to children in need.
You can enter an online contest by submitting a short video explaining how you give back to make the world a better place and why this makes you beautiful, inside and out. For every entry received, COVERGIRL will provide one week’s worth of clean drinking water to a child in need. Entrants also have a chance to win a humanitarian trip to Africa as part of the next Clean Makeup for Clean Water mission.
You can help by visiting
www.covergirl.com and enter to help provide safe drinking to children in need and also learn more about the COVERGIRL Clean Makeup for Clean Water Campaign.
The Children's Safe Drinking Water Program provides clean drinking water to developing nations.
Every day more than 4,000 children in developing countries die from diseases due to unsafe drinking water.
Contaminated drinking water is a major problem, especially in developing nations. More than one billion people worldwide do not have access to safe water.
Diarrhea caused by drinking contaminated water remains a leading cause of illness and death among infants and children in the developing world.
About 1.8 million children die every year due to diarrheal diseases.
More children die from diarrheal illnesses like cholera and dysentery than from HIV/AIDS or malaria combined.
Beginning in 1995, P&G collaborated with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to develop the PUR Purifier of Water, a safe drinking water system that people can easily use in their homes.
Simple, low-cost interventions at the community level can improve the quality of household water and greatly reduce the risk of diarrheal disease and death.
Simply providing safe, clean, drinkable water can significantly help reduce deadly diarrhea and other devastating diseases.
With your help, we can make a difference.
To learn more visit csdw.org