Horizon Organic Milk Plus DHA Omega-3 was a hit with my family. My family loves milk. Especially chocolate milk. I use milk in my shakes after coming home from the gym from my workouts. We had not ever tried organic milk. The milk was easy to find in the milk aisle. I arrived home and poured it in cups for the family to try. They all loved it and could not taste anything weird or different. There is always that misconception that something being organic might not taste good or might taste weird. After reading the nutritional facts and organic facts I was glad that my family loved it.
Organic facts-
Since 1991, Horizon™ has produced wholesome and delicious organic dairy products. Horizon Organic® products are produced without antibiotics, pesticides or cloning, from cows not given added growth hormones. You can feel good knowing our products:
• Carry the USDA certified organic seal
• Are produced in partnership with nearly 500 family farms
• Help convert more land to earth-friendly organic agriculture
• Support kindness to animals and the environment
DHA Omega-3 facts-
DHA belongs to a category of healthy fatty acids known as Omega-3's. Found
in high concentrations in the tissues of the brain and eye, DHA Omega-3 is
thought to help support healthy function in these areas. DHA has also been
shown to help support heart health.
DHA provides a nutritional boost for children's growing minds and bodies.
Children's brains grow incredibly fast. In fact, the brain nearly quadruples
in the first five years of life.
DHA is a key structural component of the brain, yet many young children
don't get their recommended daily amount of DHA as it is found in a limited
number of food sources.
Horizon Organic Milk Plus DHA Omega-3 is fortified with a natural, 100
percent vegetarian and sustainable source of DHA - a safe, wholesome,
delicious way to bring more of this important nutrient into your family's
Visit http://www.horizonorganicdha.com/ to learn more!
Flavored Milk is a Nutrient-Rich Beverage
·Flavored milk provides the same nine essential nutrients as
unflavored milk (calcium, potassium, phosphorous, protein, vitamins A, D,
B12, Riboflavin and niacin), and can help kids meet their calcium
·Flavored milk consumers did not have higher total fat or calorie
intakes than non milk consumers
Kids Love the Taste of Flavored Milk
·According to 2005 USDA data, 66% of the milk chosen by children in
schools is flavored
Chocolate Milk is an Effective Post-Exercise Recovery Beverage
·A 2006 study showed that low fat milk was as effective at
post-exercise rehydration as sports drinks
·Because of the natural carb:pro ratio in flavored milks, low fat
chocolate milk is an effective post-exercise recovery beverage.
oThe appropriate carb:pro ratio for improving endurance performance is
about 4:1 However, effective ranges can vary from 2:1 and up to 5:1.
·Consuming carbohydrate and protein post workout has been shown to:
oEnhance muscle glycogen formation
oPromote a hormonal environment that encourages muscle growth
oPromote muscle protein production
oMay lessen immune-suppressive effects due of intense exercise
All this information and all nutritional information were provided by theHorizon web page.
Would you like to try Horizon Organic Milk Plus DHA Omega-3?

Two winners will each receive 4 total coupons (2 coupons would be for a free half gallon of the Horizon Organic lowfat Chocolate Milk with DHA Omega-3 and 2 coupons for $1 off a half gallon of the same milk.)
Here is how to enter:
1) Tell me why you would like to try Horizon Organic Milk Plus DHA Omega-3. (1 entry)
2) Fan Horizon on facebook. Leave your name. (1 entry)
3) Use the store locator and tell me what store you will use your coupons at. (1 entry)
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8) Tweet as many times as you like. ( 1 entry per tweet)
2 winners will be selected. This giveaway ends on April 8, 2010 at midnight. Please leave an email address to be contacted at. Winners will have 24 hours to claim their prize. Thank you and good luck.
I was directly contacted to do a review and giveaway on my blog. I was provided with coupons for free products in order to do my review. The information used on this review came from The Horizon web page and/or was provided with my materials. I did not receive any compensation for this review. All opinions are Independentmami's opinions.
I have never tried organic milk so I would like to see if it has a different taste than regular milk.
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