
Friday, April 30, 2010

My Job Chart

What is My Job Chart?

My Job Chart is a FREE online Chore Chart that teaches kids to work in a fun and productive way. Using an easy and fun online system, My Job Chart inspires kids to do their chores on time. An interactive point system tracks your child's progress, creating excitement and enthusiasm among kids. And the fully customizable chore chart allows you and your child to decide upon mutually determined rewards, fostering communication and developing responsibility. You even get an email or text message when your kids finish their chores or they earn a reward.

How do I get started?

It is really easy to register. Go online to My Job Chart . You set profiles for everyone in the family with a picture. Set up jobs and rewards.

Who should do this?

Any parent that wants to give their kids responsibilities and accountability.

We have a chart that we keep on the refrigerator but it has things on it that do not pertain to my son. So doing this online chore chart was great. We picked the jobs he is responsible for. Skipped over the ones that we don't need. It is user friendly. And yes, you and your kids can both use it. You can assign rewards which is great. We get a pay check at the end of the pay period why not reward the kids. And if you can't find a reward or job, you can make your own.

State Farm helps save Music

I love to see when big companies or corporations help out in our communities. I feel that they need to give back, especially to the kids. My son is graduating from 5th grade in May. I am glad to say my company has helped his school wherever possible. And along the way so many companies are as helping them. Our children are the future CEO's of these companies and we need to invest in them now. So I was very glad to pass this information to you about State Farm Insurance.

State Farm has been collecting new and used musical instruments. State Farm provides a monetary donation to salvage diminishing music programs at predominantly Hispanic schools across the U.S.

As the main sponsor of this year’s Latin Billboard Awards that will occur next week in San Juan, Puerto Rico, State Farm recognizes the importance of music education at an early age and hopes to continue working to promote these programs in schools.

State Farm Local Agent Nancy Jimenez; Dr. Carl Slagley, Director of Orchestra at Cesar Chavez High School; and Stanford Lewis, Director of Bands at Cesar Chavez High School during the $5,000 check presentation from State Farm to the Cesar Chavez High School Music Department.

State Farm Local Agent Nancy Jimenez; Dan DeLeon, Principal of Cesar Chavez High School; Dr. Carl Slagley, Director of Orchestra at Cesar Chavez High School; and Stanford Lewis, Director of Bands at Cesar Chavez High School during the $5,000 check presentation from State Farm to the Cesar Chavez High School Music Department.

Cesar Chavez High School music students happily holding up the State Farm Music is My Ticket $5,000 check donation on April 14, 2010.

Tropicana Juicy Rewards Deal of the Day 04/30

Tropicana Juicy Rewards Deal of the Day

Enter to win $1000. One winner will be selected every hour. So that's 24 winners. For only 3 Tropicana rewards points.

This offers ends soon, so hurry and enter now Tropicana Juicy Rewards.

Tropicana Juicy Rewards official rules

***Disclosure-I wrote this review while participating in the Tropicana Juicy Insiders Ambassador program by Mom Central on behalf of Tropicana. I received 12 free Juicy Rewards points and a $50 Visa gift card to use in redemption of the points and to facilitate my review.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Seaworld-$5 tkts para ninos (Espanol)

Estoy feliz con las buenas nuevas que recibi que tengo que pasarlas a ustedes...

SeaWorld esta ofreciendo admission de $5 para cual quier nino(a) desde 12 anos o menor asta Deciembre 31 con esfuersos de inspirar y apoyar la conservacion de la vida silvestre.


El 100% de la venta de las entradas de los niños se destinará a proyectos de conservación para la vida silvestre de su elección

Orlando, Florida (27 de abril del 2010) – El verano es el momento ideal para disfrutar junto a familiares y amigos, y compartir experiencias que se recordarán toda la vida. Este verano, los parques SeaWorld lanzarán una oferta en el momento perfecto para las vacaciones de verano, brindándoles a las familias la oportunidad de marcar una verdadera diferencia en la conservación de la vida silvestre.
Desde hoy, y hasta el 31 de diciembre, por cada entrada de un día para un adulto comprada en Internet a precio sin descuento, ya sea para SeaWorld Orlando, San Diego o San Antonio, se obtendrá una entrada de $5 para un niño de hasta 12 años y todo lo recaudado se destinará a ayudar a la vida silvestre. Las familias pueden elegir el proyecto de conservación de la vida silvestre al cual destinar su donación.
Se puede obtener información completa en
“Esta oferta propicia que familias y amigos disfruten juntos durante las vacaciones, en una corta escapada o incluso en una visita de un solo día a uno de nuestros parques”, afirmó Jim Atchison, Presidente y Director Ejecutivo de SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment. “En SeaWorld, las familias pueden acercarse a los animales y relacionarse con ellos; son experiencias fascinantes que no encontrarán en ninguna otra parte. Además, creemos que tras visitar cualquiera de nuestros parques, la gente comienza a apreciar y respetar mucho más el mundo que compartimos”.
Y con todas las nuevas atracciones que ofrecen todos los parques SeaWorld, éste es el mejor momento para visitarlos.
En Orlando, los amantes de SeaWorld pueden subirse a la nueva montaña rusa voladora, Manta, la única en su tipo en el mundo. Es la combinación perfecta de
SeaWorld permite disfrutar en familia con entradas para niños a $5 encuentros cara a cara con animales y una vertiginosa experiencia que se vive de cabeza y boca abajo; una atracción que seguramente volverá a encabezar la lista de visitas obligadas este verano.
En SeaWorld San Antonio, el parque ofrece una experiencia superior de interacción entre animales y seres humanos con su nuevo e increíble espectáculo “Azul: Lure of the Sea”, con clavadistas, nadadores sincronizados, equilibristas, trapecistas, entrenadores de animales y, por supuesto, los delfines acróbatas de flanco blanco del Pacífico y las elegantes ballenas beluga.
Se vislumbra algo nuevo en el horizonte en SeaWorld San Diego: un espectáculo teatral de avanzada que combina el cielo y el mar con vistas de Broadway, animales majestuosos y vigorosos artistas. “Blue Horizons” presenta enérgicos delfines mulares, un colorido despliegue de aves exóticas e increíbles acróbatas. “Blue Horizon” abre al publico el 29 de mayo.
“Somos conscientes de que la situación económica ha sido difícil para todos pero, hoy más que nunca, necesitamos compartir tiempo junto a nuestros seres queridos”, afirmó Atchison. “Creemos que las familias también se divertirán eligiendo a qué proyecto de conservación de la vida silvestre desean destinar su donación. Es una forma magnífica de mostrarles a los niños todo el trabajo que implica salvar a los animales en su hábitat natural”.
Para obtener información importante sobre esta oferta y para comprar entradas, visite
SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment opera 10 parques en todo Estados Unidos, entre ellos, los parques SeaWorld en Orlando, San Diego y San Antonio; los parques Busch Gardens en Tampa, Fla. y Williamsburg, Va.; Discovery Cove y Aquatica en Orlando; Sesame Place cerca de Philadelphia, Pa.; y los parques acuáticos Adventure Island en Tampa y Water Country USA en Williamsburg.
Los 10 parques reciben 25 millones de visitantes por año y emplean a 26,000 personas en todo el país. Para obtener más información, visite o llame sin cargo al 1-888-800-5447. Además, SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment creó el Fondo de Conservación SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund, una fundación benéfica y privada sin fines de lucro, que se dedica a ayudar a conservar la vida silvestre y el hábitat, así como también a fomentar la investigación, la educación y programas de rescate de animales en todo el mundo. Puede obtener más información en

Los especialistas en animales marinos de SeaWorld devuelven una tortuga de mar de 200 libras la cual fue rescata ya que se encontraba en peligro dentro de las aguas de la playa Cocoa Beach, Florida. SeaWorld Orlando ha recatado mas de 1,300 tortugas de mar en peligro

El equipo de rescate de animales de SeaWorld libera a un manatí de 530 libras, el cual fue rescatado durante la temporada de intenso frío que azoto al área de la Florida en enero. La meta con cada animal rescatado es devolverlo nuevamente a su hábitat natural. Actualmente, ninguna organización en el mundo rescata, rehabilita y regresa a la naturaleza a mas animales marinos que SeaWorld

Vuela Alto en Manta
La nueva atracción de SeaWorld, Manta, lleva a sus visitantes a zambullirse en las profundidades del mar y dar vueltas en el aire. Manta es la única montaña rusa en su clase en el mundo que combina encuentros cercanos con animales mientras gira, para luego remontarse nuevamente a las alturas. Esta es una atracción que no se puede perder este verano.

Seaworld- $5 tkts for kids

SeaWorld is offering $5 admission to any child age 12 and under until December 31st in an effort to inspire and support wildlife conservation!

I just received this press release, I am passing along the information to you, learn more....I am so excited about this great offer....

SeaWorld Helps Families reConnect With $5 Kids Tickets and 100% of each child’s ticket sold goes to wildlife conservation effort of choice.

ORLANDO, FL (April 27, 2010) -- Summer is the perfect time for reconnecting with family and friends and making memories that will last a lifetime. And now, the SeaWorld parks are rolling out an offer that comes at the perfect time for vacations and allows families the chance to make a real difference for wildlife conservation.
Now through December 31, with each full-paid, SeaWorld Orlando, San Diego or San Antonio single-day, adult admission purchased online, any child age 12 and under gets a $5.00 admission, all of which goes to fund non-profit organizations that are working right now on wildlife conservation projects. Families even can choose which wildlife conservation effort receives their donation.
Complete details are available at
“This offer makes it easy for families and friends to reconnect during a vacation, a getaway or even just a day trip to one of our parks,” said Jim Atchison, President and Chief Executive Officer for SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment. “At SeaWorld, families experience amazing up-close animal connections that can’t be found any place else. And we believe a greater respect for the world we share follows a visit to one of our parks.”
And with so much new to do at all of the SeaWorld parks, there’s never been a better time to visit.
In Orlando , SeaWorld fans can brave Manta, an all-new flying roller coaster and the only one of its kind in the world. It’s a seamless blend of up-close animal encounters with a head-first, face-down thrill ride that’s sure to top the must-see lists again this summer.
At SeaWorld San Antonio, the park takes animal and human interaction to a new level with the premier of “Azul: Lure of the Sea,” a spectacular new show featuring high divers, synchronized swimmers, aerialists, bungee artists, animal trainers and, of course, acrobatic Pacific white-sided dolphins and graceful beluga whales.
There’s something new on the horizon at SeaWorld San Diego: a breakthrough theatrical spectacular that unites sea and sky as it showcases majestic animals and spirited performers. “Blue Horizons” -- featuring energetic bottlenose dolphins, majestic pilot whales, a colorful array of exotic birds and amazing human performers -- is scheduled to open May 29, 2010.
“We know the economy’s been tough for everyone, but more than ever before, everyone needs to spend time together,” Atchison said. “We think families also will have fun deciding which wildlife conservation project gets their donation, too. It’s a wonderful way for kids to learn about the work that goes on to save animals in the wild.”
For important details on this offer and to buy tickets, go to
SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment operates 10 parks across the U.S. including SeaWorld parks in Orlando , San Diego and San Antonio ; Busch Gardens parks in Tampa , Fla. And Williamsburg, Va.; Discovery Cove and Aquatica in Orlando; Sesame Place near Philadelphia, Pa.; and water parks Adventure Island in Tampa and Water Country USA in Williamsburg.
The 10 parks play host to 25 million guests each year and employ 26,000 people nationwide. To learn more, visit or call toll-free 1-888-800-5447. Additionally, SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment created the SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund, a non-profit, private charitable foundation committed to supporting wildlife and habitat conservation, research, education and animal rescue programs worldwide. Learn more at


SeaWorld aquarists release an endangered 200-pound loggerhead sea turtle back into the waters of Cocoa Beach , FL. From tiny loggerhead hatchlings to giant adult leatherbacks, SeaWorld Orlando has rescued more than 1,300 endangered sea turtles.


The SeaWorld Animal Rescue Team releases a 530-pound, female manatee, rescued during the record January cold snap in Satellite Beach , FL. The goal with every rescued animal is to eventually return it back into nature. No organization in the world today rescues, rehabilitates and returns to the wild more marine animals than SeaWorld.

Dive Deep, Fly High on Manta

A theme park visit gets turned upside down for riders on Manta, SeaWorld Orlando’s newest attraction. The only flying roller coaster of its kind in the world, Manta is a blend of up-close animal encounters with a head-first, face-down thrill ride that’s sure to top the must-see lists again this summer.

LETTERS TO JULIET movie review

When a young American (Amanda Seyfried) travels to the city of Verona , home of the star-crossed love Juliet Capulet of Romeo and Juliet fame, she joins a group of volunteers who respond to letters to Juliet seeking advice about love. After answering once letter dated from 1957, she inspires its author (Vanessa Redgrave) to travel to Italy in search of her long-lost love, which sets off a chain of events that will bring a love into both their lives unlike anything they ever imagined.

My review-
LETTERS TO JULIET was a great movie that had romance, love, and comedy. I don't like to ruin movies for people, so I won't give you anything from the movie. No spoilers from me, you will have to go see the movie yourself.
Romance-I know some people do not like romantic movies because they may be too moochie. But this is not a moochie movie. The guys in the theater said it was a really good movie, because it wasn't a typical chick flick. (Joel O and Danny Q)
Comedy-This movie was hilarious. It was so funny at times you forgot you were watching a movie about love.
The reason I liked this movie was because it was about life. I so related to Sophie and Claire in their journey. Sometimes life lives us, instead of us living our lives. Things sometimes happen when you aren't looking or when you are looking for something else. Our journeys end if we want them to end. I liked that the movie was full of little adventures. All in all Independentmami gives it 2 thumbs up.
The movie comes out on May 14, 2010. It would be a perfect movie for a girl's night out, a mother's day gift, or a date night.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mom Central's Mother's Day Gift Guide & Giveaways 2010

It's that time again. Are you looking for a Mother's Day present? Yes, it is around the corner for those of you who just paused at that thought. With that said, Mom Central's Mother's Day Gift Guide and Giveaways are back too. It runs from April 26, 2010 through May 9, 2010. Each week you have a chance to win products. You have to be a registered member. So log in, and enter now.

Mom Central's Mother's Day Gift Guide & Giveaways 2010

Week 1 reviews and prizes: (You must enter to win by Sunday, May 2)

Nuo Tech

See's Candies

Dazzle DVD Recorder

Wee Ride Kangaroo Carrier

Chronicle Books: Pretty Pantry Gifts

Bellarina Chamonix Scarves

Back to Basics Egg-and-Muffin Toaster and Egg Poacher

"L'Occitane Experience" Vivabox

Shark Cordless: VX3 Floor and Carpet Cleaner

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central. Mom Central entered my name in a random drawing to win a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate."

Monday, April 26, 2010

Furry Vengeance movie review

Furry Vengeance was a hilarious movie that you will want to take the family to go see. We were laughing the entire time. My son loved so many parts of the movie. When we left the movie premiere, I ask him for one favorite part and he just could not pick one. All the kids in the theater were enjoying the movie. You could hear them laughing. Not only were the kids enjoying the movie but the adults were too.

If you have not seen the trailer for this movie, here is the sypnosis:
A hilarious new comedy for the whole family, FURRY VENGEANCE stars Brendan Fraser (THE MUMMY) as a real estate developer whose latest project threatens the homes of the local forest creatures. The woodland critters don’t want their homes disturbed, and seek comical revenge by turning a peaceful cul-de-sac under construction into a battlefield of epic proportions. Led by an incredibly clever raccoon, the diverse group of animals is far more intelligent, cunning and resilient than our hero expected. It’s man versus nature, and the fur is gonna fly! FURRY VENGEANCE is a live-action comedy with computer-animated effects, and also stars Brooke Shields, Matt Prokop (HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3), and Ken Jeong (THE HANGOVER, PINAPPLE EXPRESS).
Watch the trailer now, Furry Vengeance. Movie opens in theaters this Friday, April 30. Rewards those hardworking kiddos after taking TAKS this week.

***Disclosure- My family receive a premiere pass to Furry Vengeance. No compensation was received for the review or giveaway. These are my honest opinions.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Around the web-giveaways....

Check out the 100 brochure giveaway A Wrestling Addicted Mommy is giving away, gurry ends soon 04/28

"Real Food Project" from Hellmann's®

What is the Real Food Project?
It is a comprehensive online resource offering tips and ideas on how to create real meals made with Real Food. The Real Food Project features a series of entertaining how-to tutorials, hosted by Bobby Flay, to give us tools and techniques to prepare great-tasting, at-home meals for our families. Just by visiting, you can access a wide range of recipes, including sandwiches, entrees and side dishes, all designed to please picky palates. There are even chances to win great prizes like a kitchen essentials bundle, Bobby Flay Grill It and Hellmann's® and Best Foods® products by playing the "Wheel of Real" instant win game and entering the Real Food Sweepstakes.

As many of you know, I am not a chef nor do I claim to be a cook. I love Bobby Flay. I watch his show and try to pick up tips. So this is perfect for a busy Full-time working mom that is always on the go while multi-tasking the family. Head on over, get some tips, recipes, or win some prizes. So where do you go, just click here Real Food Project.

Disclosure: I was entered for a chance to win a Hellmann's® prize package in exchange for this post. No monetary exchange took place.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Clorox basket giveaway

It is April! Have you started your Spring cleaning? April is almost gone and all those cleaning projects you told yourself you were going to do, how many have you actually finished. Well, I have started Spring cleaning. One of the things I remember from growing up was a distinct smell, Clorox. My mom loves Clorox. But Clorox is not my momma's Clorox any longer. Clorox now comes in Wipes, Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach, and Toilet Bowl Cleaner.
I suffer alot from allergies, and dust kills my Asthma. So I have to constantly keep the dust away, and the Clorox wipes are perfect. I can clean dust and keep germs away. Who wants germs in their house? I know I don't, too many kiddos around.
In our house, we get up on Saturday mornings to clean the house. It is a routine my son and I do. We wipe all the counter tops, banisters, doors and handles. This is perfect after one of us has been sick. This month we have been attacking Spring clean up in different rooms. My projects are not quite finished but at least I have gotten started. I still have one more weekend left in this month.
So, what is going to take for you to get started? How about a Clorox basket filled with goodies (Wipes, Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, and a coupon for future use)?

Enter to win-
1) Tell me what project you are working on now, a cleaning routine you have, cleaning tips, how you will use the Clorox products, or what is your favorite Clorox product? (1 entry per idea/project/suggestion)
2) Tweet (1 entry per tweet)
3) Email friends ( 1 entry per email)

This giveaway ends April 30, 2010 at 8 am. Winner will be contacted by email, please leave an email in your comment. Thank you for entering.

**Disclosure-I received a Clorox gift basket. No compensation was received for this post. These are Independentmami's honest opinions.

4TROOPS CD Special

Special Presale Offer for Independentmami Readers-
4TROOPS - 4 US Iraq and Afghanistan combat veterans sing uplifting songs on behalf of troops everywhere
As seen on Good Morning America and Fox & Friends

Use coupon code 4troopsm for $2 off the new CD at

This is a special pre-order offer only - it's good from this Tuesday, April 27 until Monday May 10. The record is in stores Tuesday May 11.

Zippity Doo's Hair Care Giveaway

I posted the Zippity Doo's Hair Care Review. Now, I bring you the giveaway.

The Zippity Doo line is for children and it includes:
Zippity Doo’s Shampoo
Zippity Doo’s Conditioner
Zippity Doo’s Leave-in Detangler Spray
Zippity Doo’s Styling Gel
Zippity Doo’s Shield Spray

GIVEAWAY: One winner will win one of each of the five products from Zippity Doo’s!

Enter to win:

1) Follow my blog. (1 entry)
2) Follow me on twitter. ( 1 entry)
3) Tweet. (1 entry per tweet)
4) Email your friends. (1 entry per email)

Giveaway ends April 30, 2010 at 8 am. Please leave an email to be contacted at if you are the winner.

Disclosure- Thanks to MomSelect and Zippity Doo for providing my family with a sample of the line to review. No compensation was receive. All reviews are 100% Independentmami's honest opinions. Thank you for stopping by.

Save the Rainforest with Tropicana Juicy Rewards

What is Earth Day?

According to the Wikipedia, Earth Day is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment.

We are all responsible for this land, and air. We all live on Earth. We need to do our part. What are you doing to make a change?

Today is Earth Day. Thanks to Tropicana, today I am making a difference.

I am using my Tropicana Juicy Rewards to save the Rainforest. If you have not enroll, it is easy. Log into Tropicana Juicy Rewards. Once you register, use your points to save money or save the rainforest.

Today I am saving the rainforest. It was so easy. I followed these instructions.

Donate your points to help save the rainforest
Rescue the Rainforest

Help protect our Earth. Every point you donate saves 33 1/3 sq. ft. of rainforest through Tropicana’s Rescue the Rainforest.

The relationship between Tropicana and Cool Earth began in 2009 with our Rescue the Rainforest promotion. Consumers helped save 100 square feet of rainforest in Peru by entering a code found on a variety of Tropicana products. In 2010, we want to do even more! As you save your Juicy Rewards points, we’re asking you to please consider donating a few to help save the rainforest. It’s a cool way to give back to the earth.

Once I donated, this is the reponse I received.

Welcome Alba Guevara
You have saved 34 sq. ft. of rainforest.

Do your part today, do something. It all starts with you and me, today. Earth Day!

***Disclosure-I wrote this review while participating in the Tropicana Juicy Insiders Ambassador program by Mom Central on behalf of Tropicana. I received 12 free Juicy Rewards points and a $50 Visa gift card to use in redemption of the points and to facilitate my review.

Letter to Juliet Movie Passes

LETTERS TO JULIET will be releases on May 14, 2010. Starring in it is Amanda Seyfried, Christopher Egan, Gael Garcia Bernal, Vanessa Redgrave, Franco Nero. It is a Romantic Comedy. And it is rated PG. If you have not see the previews on tv, check out the trailer LETTERS TO JULIET.

Synopsis: When a young American (Amanda Seyfried) travels to the city of Verona , home of the star-crossed love Juliet Capulet of Romeo and Juliet fame, she joins a group of volunteers who respond to letters to Juliet seeking advice about love. After answering once letter dated from 1957, she inspires its author (Vanessa Redgrave) to travel to Italy in search of her long-lost love, which sets off a chain of events that will bring a love into both their lives unlike anything they ever imagined.

This movie is on my movie to watch list. A romantic comedy at that. It is perfect for a Girl's Night Out. Do you want to go see this movie? Advance screenings will be held in NY, LA, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Albuquerque, McAllen, San Francisco, San Diego and Phoenix. Want a chance to go on Tuesday, April 27? See it before everyone else.

Enter for the chance to win an admit 2 pass.

1) Follow my blog. (1 entry)
2) Follow me on twitter. (1 entry)
3) Tweet. (1 entry per tweet)
4) Email your friends. (1 entry per email)

Hurry this giveaway ends Monday, April 26, 2010 at 8 am. Remember make sure to bring the pass with you to the screening. Be sure to get there early. These screenings are overbooked to fill every seat.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

She Colors My Day

Mom, friend, a shoulder, support...moms and daughters.
How close are you with your mom? Have you bonded together? I know when I had some tough times my mom was there for me and I was there for her. We helped each other. Many of my friends are close to their mothers. I see the bonds they share. One of my friends who was diagnosed with breast cancer and had their mother/daughter relationship tested a couple of years ago. I am so glad to say that their bond is tighter than I have ever known it to be. I dont have a daughter but I hope when I do that I am able to have a great relationship with her. I want to be the shoulder, the hand, her legs to stand on, but most of all I want to be her MOM.

What is She Colors My Day?
The she colors my day project began when a mother named Annette, dying of breast cancer, created a keepsake for the four daughters she was preparing to leave behind. Annette sent a c.d. of she and her daughters singing to her many friends and family. Unbeknown to Annette, her act of love would be the inspiration for her friend, Cristina Carlino, founder of Project Miracle and former CEO of philosophy, to ignite the she colors my day movement - a celebration of the never-ending bonds of mothers and daughters. The now worldwide she colors my day movement embarks upon a global journey to create for a cure. Inspired by a mother’s infinite love, this ever widening circle of caring will benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the Entertainment Industry Foundation’s /Women’s Cancer Research Group bio marker project.

To find out more or to donate please go to she colors my day.

Who colors your day? Why not color someone's day today? I just did!

Breast cancer affects all of us. Everyone has a mother, a sister, an aunt, etc... help find a cure.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, the global leader of the breast cancer movement, has invested nearly $1.5 billion since inception in 1982. As the world's largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists, we're working together to save lives, empower people, ensure quality care for all and energize science to find the cures.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Zippity Doo’s™children’s hair care products review

Do you have kiddos? Do you have problems finding hair care products for them? I know growing up we did not have a variety of products. We used whatever our parents used, but not anymore. There are products specially for kids. It is pediatrician approved. They are laboratory tested and proven to help prevent infestation from lice and other insects. I dont know about you but I have alot of hair. SOme way or another this was a problem for me. My mom had to put harsh chemicals in my hair to get them out. My head was sensitive for weeks after. But now Zippity Doo’s™ hair children hair care products that are not harsh. I loved how they smelled. And the kiddos did not complain.
Directions for use
Mild enough for daily use. Wet hair thoroughly. Apply a small amount of shampoo and create lather with gentle massage. Rinse. Use as a first defense along with Zippity Doo’s™ Conditioner, Leave-In Detangler and Styling Gel to create maximum protection. For added protection, apply Zippity Doo’s™ Shield Spray on all personal belongings.

Zippity Doo’s™ Shampoo for Children was created to help repel lice and other insects from the hair. Made with a special combination of natural ingredients, including Vitamin D, Carrot Seed Oil, Alpha Hydroxy, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Tea Tree, Anise & Lavender designed to promote healthy hair & scalp while repelling lice & other insects.
Available at

On our recent camping, we use the product on all the kiddos. To keep any criters from staying in their heads.
The product smelled great and they did not complain. Used as normal shampoo and conditioner.
My favorite was the detangler.
It worked wonders!!

Thank you to MomSelect for providing my family with Zippity Doo’s™children’s hair care products to review. No compensation was received for this review.

Dole California Cook Off Contest

Do you have a great DOLE recipe? Here is a contest for you...

Would you like to go to Los Angeles this June to compete in the DOLE California Cook-Off event!

Each recipe you submit will be judged based on:
(1) Best use of DOLE Canned Fruit or Juice
(2) Creativity
(3) Flavor and Taste

If you know your recipe is the best...

1.Review and follow the Official Rules.
2.Create a delicious, healthy entrée recipe using DOLE Canned Fruit or Juice and up to 7 additional ingredients (spices, herbs, water and cooking spray are not included in the total, see Official Rules for details).
3.Submit my original recipe in the text box provided on this page. Be sure to click on the submit button to enter your recipe. (We suggest that you create your recipe on a separate document first, and then copy and paste it into the text box).
Enter up to 3 unique recipes a day for your chance to WIN!

Plus you can play the DOLE Recipe Match Game for your chance to win one of 100s of prizes.

Hurry, contest ends April 30, 2010.


From home cook to celebrity chef! Five lucky finalists will win more than just their 15 minutes of fame with a trip for two to sunny LA where they will participate in the California Cook-Off event with celebrity chef Ben Ford. With airfare, three nights' accommodations, a rental car and spending money included, you'll be living your very own California dream!

Just visit to enter your signature recipe for an entrée that highlights at least one can of DOLE Fruit or Juice. Using DOLE Pineapple, Mandarin Oranges, Tropical Fruit, Pineapple Juice or Pineapple Mango Juice, as well as no more than seven additional ingredients, you will be automatically entered to win this ultimate California cooking experience.

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DOLE Canned Fruit has been awarded the ChefsBest award by the American Culinary ChefsBest.
DOLE Canned Pineapple is a convenient, ready-to-eat product. For your convenience, DOLE Canned Pineapple is available in slices, chunks, tidbits and crushed.
DOLE Tropical Fruit is a combination of hand-selected pineapple and red and yellow papaya chunks packed in light syrup and passion fruit juice.
DOLE 100% Pineapple Juice and Pineapple Mango Juice are packed with real fruit taste and always have the flavor adventure you've been craving.

Disclosure: I received a coupon for a free can of DOLE fruit. No compensation was received for this informational post.

Friday, April 16, 2010

4TROOPS- cd Available May 11, 2010

Do you know when Armed Forces Week is? What is Armed Forces Week?
Armed Forces Week (May 8-May 15) which honors Americans serving in all five services – the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard.
In my opinion honoring them everyday is how it should be.

If you know me, you know how much I support our military and their families. So I was very excited to pass along information and do a review on the 4TROOPS cd.

Song Play list:
1) Bless The Broken Road
2) For Freedom
3) Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue
4) I'm Already There
5) Dance With My Father
6) Angel
7) Galveston
8) You Raise Me Up
9) You'll Never Walk Alone
10) Medley(Battle Hymn of the Republic, Grand Old Flag, America the Beautiful)
11) Here We've Been
12) Raise Your Glasses

So I love it. The 1st song is going to be my one of my wedding songs. They are songs you have heard before. Some I had never heard of. Songs that move me. #10 has to be my favorite. The Medley took me back to when I was in school. When our teachers taught us how important liberty and freedom was. When the words to these songs were not just words, they were a history lesson. Thank you to Sony for providing me with a copy of the cd to review. I recommend everyone go out and get it on May 11. You will be supporting the men and women who fight for our freedom, who stand up for our rights.
Press Release information:
Sony MASTERWORKS announces the signing of 4TROOPS. Their debut self-titled CD will be available on May 11th with a portion of the proceeds from the sales to benefit veteran-related organizations. Sony chose to release the album during Armed Forces Week May 8-May 15) which honors Americans serving in all five services – the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard.
4TROOPS are United States combat veterans - three young men and one woman who served on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan. While overseas, music played a crucial and very personal role in all of their lives. They would sing at everything from large military events to more intimate settings, where they would jam in their bunk after a long day in the field and try to recall a slice of home. They also used their voices at somber occasions like memorial services, where they would sing to remember those that had been lost. 4TROOPS now come together for a singular purpose: to sing on behalf of all troops, to honor their sacrifices and to create awareness for their needs.

The members of 4TROOPS are: Former Cpt. Meredith Melcher, Former Sgt. Daniel Jens, Staff Sgt. (Ret.) Ron Henry and Former Sgt. David Clemo. Melcher, 29, is the daughter of a retired three-star General. She served as a platoon leader on the front lines in Iraq where she led her troops in the successful ambulance evacuations of hundreds of wounded Americans and Iraqis. Jens, 36, served in Iraq and was most recently stationed at Fort Hood. He joined the army after the events of 9/11. Jens was one of the finalists on “America’s Got Talent.” He was released from the Army at the end of January. Henry, 41, served in the Army for 20 years. He was a transport manager in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division, and also the leader of an Army singing group “Transportation Express.” Clemo, 30, served on the front lines in Afghanistan providing communications and logistics support for the 18th Airborne Corps. He and Melcher toured together in 2004 with the Army Soldier Show.

The album consists of well-known positive pop and country songs and some new songs. All of the songs take on a special meaning in the context that they are performed by these four combat heroes. The first song is “For Freedom,” an inspirational patriotic tune written by Matt Moran for his grandfather, a WWII vet. Country star Toby Keith gives his blessing for a new version of his popular and controversial post 9/11 hit “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue” to be included on the album with lyrics revised to reflect a 2010 outlook. Another country hit on the album is “Galveston,” popularized by Glen Campbell. This song made the CMT list of the ten greatest country-western songs of all time. Other tracks include “Angel” by Sarah McLachlan, Lonestar’s “I’m Already There,” and a new song written by Victor Hurtado titled “Here We’ve Been.” The album is produced by Frank Fillipetti (Barbra Streisand, Carly Simon, George Michael, Pavarotti) who produced James Taylor’s Hourglass album which won Fillipetti a Grammy® for Best Pop Album and Best Engineered Album in 1998.

The group was brought together by veteran Victor Hurtado. He has been part of Army Entertainment for the last 25 years, first as a Soldier and Music Director, and later as the Artistic Director. He is currently the Production Director for the Army Soldier Show. This show was established during WWI in 1918 by Sgt. Israel Beilin, better known as Irving Berlin.

An important element to the4TROOPS project is giving back to organizations that support our U.S. soldiers and veterans. Sony Music will donate 50 cents from each sale of the 4TROOPS album in the United States to organizations that support veterans and their families. This donation will be split equally among The American Legion, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund (IFHF) and the USO.
The USO delivers its programs and services to millions of active duty service members National Guard and Reserves, as well as their families at more than 140 centers located worldwide. Some of the services that the centers include free Internet and e-mail access, libraries and reading rooms, housing assistance, family crisis counseling, support groups, game rooms and nursery facilities. The USO also produces hundreds of entertainment shows around the world each year.
The first and largest non-partisan, non-profit for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. IAVA has more than 180,000 veteran members and civilian supporters nationwide.
IFHF has raised over $120 million in support for the families of military personnel lost in service to our nation, and for severely wounded military personnel and veterans. The Fund is currently building the National Intrepid Center of Excellence to support the research, diagnosis, and treatment of traumatic brain injury. Previous efforts include the Center for the Intrepid for amputee and severe burn patients and providing unrestricted grants to family members of service members killed in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

The nation’s largest military veterans organization, The American Legion was founded in 1919 on the four pillars of a strong national security, veterans affairs, Americanism, and youth programs. Legionnaires work for the betterment of their communities through more than 14,000 posts across the nation.

Bob Woodruff, the ABC news anchor who was severely injured in Iraq, conducted the first TV interview with 4TROOPS which aired on Good Morning America (ABC) in January. Woodruff is personally invested in creating a better environment for injured troops who return from war. Through The Bob Woodruff Foundation and, Woodruff’s goal is to provide resources and support to service members, veterans and their families to successfully reintegrate into their communities, in addition to educate the public about the needs of the injured troops and empower people everywhere to take action.

The 4TROOPS recently taped their concert special from the U.S.S. Intrepid in New York City. The program, "4TROOPS: Live From The Intrepid", will air on participating PBS stations this summer.

4TROOPS are in the midst of a U.S. Military base tour which will be followed by a National tour in the fall. Upon hearing of the 4TROOPS, the Motel 6 hotel chain immediately wanted to be involved as a promotional partner and as a first step has generously donated lodging for the group throughout their U.S. Military base tour. Cracker Barrel has generously donated free food to the 4TROOPS when they are on the road.

For more information on 4TROOPS please visit

If you would like to learn more about how you can support the organizations affiliated with this project, please visit their websites at,,,

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***Disclosure-I wrote this review while participating in the Tropicana Juicy Insiders Ambassador program by Mom Central on behalf of Tropicana. I received 12 free Juicy Rewards points and a $50 Visa gift card to use in redemption of the points and to facilitate my review.

Hey Miami! Que Rica Vida te invita...

Hola Miami! Welcome to Miami, Bienvenidos a Miami is the song that keeps playing in my head. Ever since I found out I was being invited to the unveiling of the new Many people will attend, will you be one of those attending? This event is free to the first 500 people to register. I would love to see any of my Miami followers, as I will be attending. Thank you to my sponsors General Mills and QueRicaVida. So what are you waiting for mi gente, inscribete hoy?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Furry Vengeance-Enter to win movie passes....***CLOSED***

A hilarious new comedy for the whole family, FURRY VENGEANCE stars Brendan Fraser (THE MUMMY) as a real estate developer whose latest project threatens the homes of the local forest creatures. The woodland critters don’t want their homes disturbed, and seek comical revenge by turning a peaceful cul-de-sac under construction into a battlefield of epic proportions. Led by an incredibly clever raccoon, the diverse group of animals is far more intelligent, cunning and resilient than our hero expected. It’s man versus nature, and the fur is gonna fly!

FURRY VENGEANCE is a live-action comedy with computer-animated effects, and also stars Brooke Shields, Matt Prokop (HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3), and Ken Jeong (THE HANGOVER, PINAPPLE EXPRESS).

Brendan Fraser is hilarious. My family loves to watch him in movies. With Earth Day around the corner, it falls in perfect. This movie is a fun kid’s comedy with a strong message about the importance of the preservation of wildlife habitats. We all need to do our part. And it all starts with education.

Enter to win one of 10 admit-4 passes.....
1) Follow my blog. (1 entry)
2) Follow me on twitter. (1 entry)
3) Email 5 friends. (1 entry per email)
4) Tweet. (1 entry per tweet)

This giveaway end on Wednesday, April 21 at 8 am.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Will you be counted in 2010?

If every household mailed back its 2010 Census form, taxpayers could reduce the cost of taking the census and save $1.5 billion...and Friday is the last day.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

BBC Earth Offers Free Planet Earth Episode Download On iTunes Starting Today!

In celebration of Earth Day’s historic 40th anniversary (4/22), BBC Earth is offering Planet Earth’s first episode for
free instant download on iTunes starting today and ending 04/26/10 (U.S. residents only).

Planet Earth is a definite must-see as you gear up for their Earth Day activities next week!

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, this year. But to me Earth Day is everyday. Everyday we can make a difference. Be informed of what you can do. Support those who help our Earth. You and I are responsible for our tomorrow.

Thank you to American Pop for passing along this information for me to pass along to you. No compensation was received for this informational post.

Monday, April 12, 2010

And the Battle continues...update

Wow, we are in April. Where did March go? There is so much that happenend in March. I did not loose any more weight. I actually gained weight, yes you heard right. Why am I not freaking out, you ask? Because I allowed it to happened, but the good news is I am not giving up. At the end of February beginning of March I was so over joyed, I lost so much weight that I was back into my clothes from 2 years ago. I was 155 lbs, and I was loving it. I won an opportunity to take the family to Great Wolf Lodge and we had fun.   And yes, I was on a mini-vacation so I cheated. But I didn't gain any weight.  The following week, we went on Spring Break vacation. It was great. I packed my bags. It was so easy to pack my bags because everything fit. My bestfriends, their families, and us camping. We packed food to cook, so I didn't think I would do so bad.

 Well, 7 lbs later, maybe a pound a day. I gained weight. Ok, so we all did. I thought gaining weight but be the end for me, and my weight loss challenge, but it was not. I am comfortable with the challenge. I do have to tell you that I have been working very hard all of March to loose the extra pounds I gained in 1 week. It has been hard because this month we have been extra busy. We went to the Houston Live Stock Show and Rodeo to see the Black Eye Peas. And who can say no to some BBQ? I know I can't. One thing I must admit is that it has been hard to say no at times to food. It doesn't help that my dad is staying with us and makes us breakfast everyday. My dad was a very good Chef for corporate America in his good ole' days. I cannot say no, he will make sure I eat it. Sometime sin the evenings when I get home from the gym, he makes me a sandwich or a snack. He means well, but I do not need it. So in conclusion, I got to a comfortable point and I got too happy with my success. Now I must fight to regain my pace. I have lost all but 3 of the 7 lbs I gained. I weigh in at 158 currently.

The beginning of April looks great. I am keeping up with my workout routine. I am not keeping my food schedule as I should but am trying my best to get back on track. The best news is I am down to a size 8 in some things and 10 is fitting loose more and more each day. So no matter what I weigh I am seeing a difference. I cleaned out my closet this weekend, and most of my closet is S-M. Good bye L and XL.