¿Listo para celebrar cuando tu equipo favorito hace un gol este junio en Sudáfrica? ¡IKEA quiere que te prepares para los partidos de fútbol este verano! Únete con tu familia en tu sala y grabe un video original que demuestra cómo tu familia celebra cuando tu equipo favorito hace un gol. Una familia ganadora recibirá una nueva sala de IKEA con un valor de $10,000, justo a tiempo para disfrutar la semifinal y final!

As soccer fans around the world prepare for the World Cup, IKEA invites U.S. families to join the “Celebra un Gol con IKEA!” contest. Families in Miami, Los Angeles, and the NY/NJ metro areas will be encouraged to gather in their living room to make a video in Spanish of how they celebrate when their favorite team scores a goal. The winning family will be awarded a $10,000 IKEA living room makeover to enjoy the World Cup semi-final and final games. Families would record a 1-minute video showing how they celebrate when their favorite team scores and upload to the web site CelebraUnGol.com. The grand prize winner is awarded an IKEA living room makeover of $10,000! For more information visit enamoratemasdetuhogar.com or CelebraUnGol.com.
***Disclosure-No compensation was received for this informational post.
For more information go to www.celebraungol.com
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