This picture was taken on one of the happiest days of my life. It was the day my boyfriend became my fiancee. The day he put a ring on my finger. Fastfoward to today, so you can read how I lost my engagement ring.
06/02/10-I decided not to go workout like I normally do after work, so I could clean the house. I have been so busy with my son's graduation party, and wedding planning that I have been neglecting the house cleaning. On Saturday I had a house full of people for Matt's graduation. And on Monday, we spent the entire day at the beach. Plus this weekend I will be in Dallas and again won't be able to get to it. So I took a break from the gym and decided to go straight home and clean. My fiancee was so sweet because he started helping. We got alot done together. My son cleaned his room and the gameroom. My fiancee and I cleaned our room since everything got thrown in there because of the party. We took out so much trash, old newspapers, boxes from new items to review, and misc. I sprayed the tub, toilet, and sink. As I cleaned the tub I remembered my friends yelling at me because I never take off my ring, not even to clean. So when I was cleaning the sink, I used an old toothbrush and cleaned off my ring. I never took it off. We got done early since we both were in there. We came downstairs, had a snack, and watched a movie. After the movie we went to bed.
06/03/10-The power went off over night during the storm. So I had pulled my cell phone out of my purse, so we would wake up on time. My fiancee was working a sidejob and needed to get up at a different time than usual. I remember checking under the pillow every hour to check the time. He finally got up, got ready, and kiss me good-bye and off he went. I got up at my normal time. Jumped in the shower. Put my face cream on. I did all my usual things. I then headed downstairs. Today is trash day and since we just had a party, we had alot of trash to put out.

I had left some boxes out and shoved them into the trash bags to make them fit. We put it all at the curb and left.

I never knew how attached I had gotten to this ring. Or that it meant so much to me. I could not even imagine not having it. It now is on my middle finger, and yes I am getting it resized. I have been on a mision to lose weight for the wedding and am continuing to lose weight. I called my fiancee and I told him, now do you see the a ring is very important to us. A ring has never been important to me, but this ring is. I am so happy that I found my engagement ring!!!
Has anything like this ever happen to you? Did your world stop?
Yes! I lost my wedding ring! LOL!! Okay, it wasn't so funny then. I had lost over 45lbs and my ring needed re-sizing. It kept slipping off my finger and it would drop everywhere. One day, in my rush to get things done I had flung my hand out to open the back door to my house. As I did this, my ring flew off into the dark night. My boys and I were out in the backyard for an hour with flashlights trying to find it. When my husband got home, I wanted to cry b/c he was hurt I didn't take better care of my ring. The next day, he found my ring and I went straight to the jeweler to get it fixed. Flash forward to the present ==> I regained my weight and I have yet to have my ring re-sized again, so I no longer wear it.
Glad you found your ring!! Keep it well sized!! ;)
Omigosh!! What a stressful story! Glad everything worked out ok.
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