“Martha & Friends,” the animated series featuring a 10-year-old Martha Stewart, is premiering a “Back to School” special on Hallmark Channel on Monday, September 12.
“Martha & Friends™” is an animated multimedia series for kids that is designed to inspire creativity, foster independent thinking and celebrate friendship. Created by A Squared Entertainment in collaboration with lifestyle guru Martha Stewart and MSLO, the series features a 10-year-old Martha as a problem-solving, craft-loving, generous spirit who, along with her three best friends and two dogs, Francesca and Sharkey, show kids how easy it can be to do-it-themselves.
The “Martha & Friends™” multimedia property includes 26 original short-form webisodes that air bi-weekly on www.marthaandfriends.com via AOL Kids, a leading online destination for kids and their families. The interactive Web site comes equipped with games, activities and how-to projects from Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia.
Watch as little Martha and her companions throw one final summer party and prepare for homework, classrooms, teachers and upcoming school activities. You can preview the first act of the “Back to School” special here:
The special and website will also feature a number of fun and educational projects for kids to try as they gear up for the new school year.
*Dsiclosure-No compensation was received. Informational post only.
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