Well I have a challenge for you. My daughter, Lil Bit is going on 1 year in December. I have been trying to lose the baby weight, the pooch, and trying to get back in shape throughout the year. Who wants to wait until January 1st for a New Years resolution when you can start today? Make a few changes now and January 1st, you can make a different resolution other than trying to lose all you gained over the holidays. So in talking to my husband he put me to the challenge. I have lost all my baby weight. I am not at my goal weight but am working on it. The pooch is what I am trying to lose now. So I asked my husband, how many sit ups do you think I need to do to lose this pooch, 100? He said, "45 a day". I think somewhere I heard Britney Spears did 100 sit ups a day to get those amazing abs, she rocked on stage. So I decided to take him up on the challenge. I do not like sit ups. I think they give me headaches, maybe its my form. Anyways, so I am doing 30 sit ups for 30 days, just because I remember my old trainer use to tell us Dirty 30. We had to do 30 of everything we did, every time. So the dirty 30, it is.
Good luck to everyone! I will update in 10 days, and add a linky then for updates.
I remember when I saw you in North Carolina, and where were you headed? To the gym, of course! Good for you for keeping on track and losing the baby weight. I just might join you on the "Dirty 30"!
This is a great challenge! I will do 30 push ups a day! Now is a good time, thank you!
Good luck with your challenge - good form and a balanced diet will be key to building up your core strength!
I'll try it... I need to lose my pooch too.
Thanks for the challenge Alba! I will join you on your challenge, I linked up!!
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