
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

San Antonio-Kidcation Week

***Disclosure-No compensation was received.  Informational post only.

San Antonio’s First-ever Kidcation Week Is The Place to Be This Summer

This summer, San Antonio turns into a citywide playground for kids and families with the city’s first-ever Kidcation Week, August 12-18. Kidcation Week provides families a chance to closeout summer with one last jam-packed adventure. Visitors can look forward to exclusive kids programming and events, free entertainment and fantastic deals at hotels, attractions, shops and restaurants.

The fun begins with a special Kidcation Week Kickoff Party on Monday, August 12, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., at Hemisfair park. This morning celebration will get the party started with a kid’s band, food, a festive Kidcation Week declaration, meet and greets with numerous characters and mascots including the San Antonio Spurs Coyote, SeaWorld San Antonio’s Shamu and Six Flags Fiesta Texas’ Bugs Bunny, and more.

With more than 60 deals and events offered throughout the week, Kidcation Week helps families create lifelong memories at minimal or no cost. Examples of experiences visitors can only get during Kidcation Week include:
Kidcation Week Events:
  • Bat Loco: On August 13, visitors can learn more about San Antonio’s bat community and watch bats emerge under the I-35 bridge on the River Walk for their nightly insect hunt. This event is hosted by the San Antonio River Authority, Paseo del Rio Association and Bat Conservation International
  • Dessert Cooking Demonstration: RK Group’s Chef Dave will do a cooking demonstration of popular elementary school desserts in Hemisfair park
  • Hemisfair Free Movie Nights: Families can enjoy free PG movies in Hemisfair park every weeknight of Kidcation Week
  • Vaquerocation: Cowboy Day: Live just like a cowboy on August 14 with cowboy docents, book readings and activity tables at the Institute of Texan Cultures
  • LET’S READ! Kids Back to School FEST: On August 18, Main Plaza will be full of Make and Take arts and crafts, airbrushing and hair styling, musical performances, storytelling, book giveaways, an instrument petting zoo and much more
Kidcation Week Offers:
  • Alamo Trolley: Free tour for kids 12 and under with the purchase of an adult tour
  • Cheesy Jane’s: Free kids milkshake with any kid’s meal
  • El Tropicano Riverwalk Hotel: Milk, cookies, balloons, a coupon for complimentary S’mores and an El Tropicano beach ball upon arrival
  • Hard Rock Café: Free kids meal with the purchase of an adult entrée
  • Kiddie Park and Kiddie Park Pica Pica: Kids get a free cotton candy when they mention Kidcation Week
  • San Antonio’s Incredible Pizza: Free kids buffet or $5 game card
  • San Antonio Museum of Art: Free admission all week for kids 12 and under
  • Witte MuseumFree admission all week for kids 12 and under (entrance to museum's Dinosaurs Unearthed exhibit will be $5 for adults and $2 for children 12 and under)
  • SpringHill Suites by Marriott San Antonio Downtown Alamo Plaza: Every child under age 12 will receive a balloon upon check-in and be entertained by a balloon artist from4 - 5 p.m.
  • Omni San Antonio Hotel at the Colonnade: Each child receives an Omnikids backpack at check-in, milk and cookies delivered at turndown on arrival evening and a cookie decorating session with a chef
A complete listing of Kidcation Week events and specials can be found at

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Family Fun day at Schlitterbahn Galveston

***Disclosure-I received family passes in exchange for a sponsored conversation on Facebook, Twitter, and a giveaway.  Any and all opinions expressed are my own based on my personal experience.

We headed south for a fun day with the family.  But guess what, it started raining.  We had already made plans and my husband had even taken the day off.  We were thinking what should we do?
Then we remembered Schlitterbahn has an indoor water park section that is always open.  Plus, my friend was planning on doing her son's birthday party there and they were not cancelling.
We arrived!  Rain or shine we were going to have some fun.  First thing - first - pick our spot!
My friend set up her son's birthday party  in this section where there are picnic tables for all guests to use.  You get there and you can set your stuff on there.  There is plenty of room and a lot of tables.  This is just one section of the park where there are tables available.

Schlitterbahn is great for all ages.  Even if you have little ones.  There are signs all over the park.  Checking
what rides your kids can and cannot ride is so easy.  And most, they can still ride as long as they are accompanied by an adult.  If you have a daredevil like my daughter, then you won't have a problem getting on most rides.  You also do not need to worry if you have kids that do not know how to swim or are beginners, there are life guards all over the park.
The life guards are trained.  They are also not in the same spot all day long.  They rotate around all day.  This is great to me because it keeps them alert.  We did spot the Bahn boys when we were on the lazy river.

We had so much fun.  The rain did not stop our fun.  The water park stayed open all day long.  We had our picnic, enjoyed the entire water park, and made great memories.
 As we walked to our car, the kids did not want to go home.  But we will sure be back to have some more fun in the sun?  Yeah, maybe next time the sun will come out for us?
Where are you headed next weekend?  Schlitterbahn- Galveston, San Marcos, South Padre, or Kansas?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Disney Planes-Datos Divertidos

***Disclosure-No compensation was received.  Informational post only.

Quieres saber datos divertidos de la pelicula Disney Planes?

Siendo realistas

TODO EN FAMILIA – El director Klay Hall ha sido un entusiasta de la aviación durante largo tiempo y proviene de una larga línea de fanáticos de la aviación. El padre de Hall era piloto de la marina y su abuelo también surcó los cielos como piloto.

AHORA ESCUCHEN ESTO – Para reforzar la autenticidad de las escenas de vuelo, el equipo de producción grabó los sonidos de aviones reales, como aviones fumigadores para Dusty, algunos antiguos biplanos, un avión bimotor y aviones F-18 de la marina para la escena en la que aparecen los jets de combate Echo y Bravo.

TRAZANDO EL MAPA – Los realizadores realizaron consultas con auténticos pilotos para determinar el recorrido de la carrera aérea Wings Around The Globe, teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de los aviones de reabastecerse de combustible así como también el atractivo de los diversos lugares.

ZONA DE CONFORT – Los realizadores utilizan la magia de los efectos del cine para resaltar la historia. Por ejemplo, el supervisor de imágenes estereoscópicas Jason Carter explica que los primeros planos de Dusty —el protagonista— se ubicaron de manera estratégica un poco más cerca del público que los primeros planos de su adversario, Ripslinger. La idea, según Carter, es invitar sutilmente a la audiencia a que forme parte del círculo más cercano a Dusty, mientras que se mantiene a Ripslinger a una mayor distancia, literalmente.

DEFINIENDO EL TEMOR – Para garantizar la autenticidad de la historia, los cineastas consultaron a un especialista en fobias para centrar su atención en el temor a las alturas de Dusty. No solo aprendieron cómo podría manifestarse la acrofobia en el comportamiento de Dusty —sudor, mareos—, sino que también obtuvieron consejos sobre cómo ayudar al avión fumigador a superar su miedo.

Construyendo los personajes

¿ES UN AVIÓN? – Muchos de los diseños de los aviones de “Disney’s Planes” son completamente ficticios y algunos están inspirados (en parte) en varias aeronaves.
·         Dusty, por ejemplo, se inspiró en los aviones Air Tractor 502, Cessna y Air Dromader.
Hay dos diseños que se basaron únicamente en aviones reales.
·         El experimentado veterano de la marina, Skipper, es un avión de combate F4U Corsair, que se desarrolló en 1938 a pedido de la marina de EE.UU. y se usó por primera vez en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El Corsair era considerado el avión de combate más poderoso del mundo en ese momento y fue el primer avión de combate monomotor norteamericano que superó los 643 kilómetros por hora en vuelo horizontal. Reconocido por sus alas en forma de “W”, el pequeño fuselaje del Corsair y su motor potente crearon un arma de guerra sumamente exitosa.
·         El Chupacabra, conocido por su enérgica personalidad en “Disney’s Planes”, luce el diseño de un Gee Bee, una aeronave que se remonta a las primeras épocas de las carreras de vuelo. Diseñado por Granville Brothers Aircraft a comienzos de la década del '30, los aviones Gee Bee se construyeron con un fuselaje en forma de lágrima en un intento por disminuir la resistencia y permitir giros bruscos de costado sin perder altitud. 

CONOZCAN A CHUG – Los realizadores viajaron al aeropuerto de Leaders Clear Lake en Minnesota mientras hacían una gira por los aeropuertos regionales de la región central de EE.UU. en busca de inspiración para el escenario de Propwash Junction. Escondido en un bosque de árboles perennes se encontraba la encantadora aunque destartalada fuente de inspiración para el personaje de Chug, el entusiasta camión de combustible que no solo es el amigo de Dusty, sino también su mayor fan.

Detalles sobre los actores

LAZOS FAMILIARES – Mientras que la actriz Teri Hatcher prestó su voz al personaje de Dottie, la práctica mecánica que vigila de cerca a Dusty, su hija Emerson, de 15 años de edad, participó en el rodaje de la película dando voz a un vehículo montacargas que es periodista.

ESO SUENA TAN CONOCIDO – John Ratzenberger, quien ha prestado su voz a algunos de los personajes más memorables del mundo de la animación, hace una aparición especial en “Disney’s Planes” como un montacargas.

REUNIDOS – Los actores de “Top Gun” Anthony Edwards y Val Kilmer tienen una especie de reunión de alto vuelo en “Disney’s Planes”, como los jets de combate Echo y Bravo, respectivamente.

Sobrevolando el mundo de “Cars”, ahora llega “Disney’s Planes”, una comedia animada de aventuras en 3D plena de acción, protagonizada por Dusty (con la voz de  Dane Cook), un avión que sueña con participar en una competición de alto vueloPero Dusty no está construido particularmente para competir, y da la casualidad que le teme a las alturas. Es por eso que recurre a un experimentado aviador naval que lo ayuda a clasificar para enfrentarse al campeón vigente del circuito de carreras. La valentía de Dusty es puesta a prueba al máximo cuando intenta alcanzar alturas que jamás soñó que fueran posibles, dándole al mundo que lo sigue fascinado una gran inspiración. “Disney’s Planes” aterrizará en los cines el 9 de agosto de 2013. Para más información, visita, hazte fan de nuestra página en Facebook: y síguenos en Twitter:

Friday, July 26, 2013

Fitness Friday-Seabuck Wonders

***Disclosure-Sample product received to review.  All opinions stated are my own based on my on my personal experience.

Do you watch Dr Oz?  I do.  I like when he takes products and picks them apart from all the rest.  He does his research and tells us which one does the job and does it right.  Seabuck Wonders is a product he has picked to show on his show and that he actually does say should be a preferred choice to help us.

Move Over “Man of Steel”; there’s a new super hero in town – the sea buckthorn berry! This amazing “Berry of Steel” has come all the way from the Himalayas to fight off free radicals, sun damage, aging and potential illness. This berry packs a REAL healing punch and beats out EVERY other “Super Berry” of the month! 
And, with summer wrapping up and kids going back to school soon, you may want to invite this superhero into your household for extra health protection for the whole family! Dr. Oz doesn’t call it the “
miracle berry” for nothing!

‘Berry of Steel’ Flexes Its Super Health Muscles
  • Sea Buckthorn is the ONLY super berry that contains Vitamin B12
  • Has the MOST nutrients (10 – three more than the next highest contenders, acai and goji)
  • Two more fat soluble vitamins and oils than the next leading berries (goji and pomegranate)
  • Tied for first place (with acai) in antioxidant strength
  • Superfruit Rank Score – 39! Highest of all, with second place going to the goji berry, receiving a score of 28
 Here are just a few areas where this little “super berry” can pack a punch:
  • Immune System
  • Gastrointestinal & Digestive Support
  • Oral Health, Teeth & Gums
  • Weight Management
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Cognitive & Thinking
  • Many more!
 Check out these “outside” health benefits:
  • Anti-Aging
  • Reverse Sun Damage (and built-in, natural UV protection!)
  • Reduce Psoriasis, Rosacea and Acne symptoms
  • Helps heal burns, bites and other skin injuries
  • Promotes healthy scalp and hair
  • Strengthen nails
  • Many more!
Could you use a little rescuing from our super berry? SeabuckWonders offers an entire line of sea buckthorn supplements and skin care products to strengthen your health and keep you looking great! Of course, our little super berry can’t blow up cities, fly over buildings or beat up bad guys. However, in the world of health and beauty, the sea buckthorn berry is truly SUPER!

My thoughts-We aren't getting any younger.  Some of us needs a little help with our system more than others.  Seabuck Wonders has many products to help me and my body all around.  I like that I can take care of my body inside and out.  The exfoliating facial cleanser feels great on my skin.  And I know my inside are getting the nutrients needed with the Omega-7 complete.  I have used Seabuck Wonders products in the past and have felt great.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Harvest Snaps Healthy Snacks

***Disclosure-Sample product was received to review.  All opinions stated are my own based on my personal experience.
Move over, potato chips, there is a new superhero snack in town! Everyone loves snacks, but finding good-for-you options always seemed like a nearly-impossible task. Harvest Snaps is launching new flavors under the Snapea and Lentil varieties that will appeal to all snack fans. Super crunchy and full of flavor, Harvest Snaps’ Snapea Crisps are made from naturally dried peas, which make up 70% of the product, while Lentil Snaps are made from 65% Lentils and contain 5g of protein and 13% of your daily fiber.

Harvest Snaps will undoubtedly impress your taste buds. Snapea Crisps are available in four different varieties: Lightly Salted, Caesar, Black Pepper and Wasabi Ranch. Lentil Snaps’ Tomato Basil and Onion Thyme flavors will surely satisfy the most demanding gourmands. Unlike many other snacks on the market, Harvest Snaps are baked, not fried. They are also lower in fat and sodium than traditional snacks.

My thoughts-I like guilt-free snacking.  I like choosing healthy snacks for not only me but for the entire family to enjoy.  I like that with Harvest Snaps I do not have to sacrifice taste and I also get the health benefits.  It is a 2 for 1 kinda deal.  I can just grab and go.  Pack them for my lunch too.  They are good.  My favorite was the Wasaby Ranch.  My husband like the Caesar.  My son liked the lighted salted.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Neutrogena Offer at Target

***Disclosure-No compensation was received.  Informational post only.

Receive a FREE Designer ID Wristlet with the Purchase of  
Hayden Panettiere's Favorite Neutrogena® Products
NEUTROGENA® is bringing you an exclusive offer available at any Target store location from July through August. When you buy any two of Hayden Panettiere's favorite NEUTROGENA® products, you will receive a free NEUTROGENA® Target designed wristlet. Some of Hayden's favorite products that give her signature clear complexion are NEUTROGENA® Oil-Free Acne Wash and Oil-Free Cleansing Wipes Pink Grapefruit. This fashionable designer wristlet is the perfect accessory to add a pop of color to your summer look. 

Products like NEUTROGENA® Oil-Free Cleansing Wipes Pink Grapefruit work great on the go to ensure you don't miss an important step in your daily regimen for clear and flawless skin. "Always wash your face," says Hayden Panettiere, "Even when I'm tired I like to use NEUTROGENA® Oil-Free Acne Wash. Oil-Free Cleansing Wipes Pink Grapefruit are perfect for a quick fix." Visit for more information.

About Neutrogena:
A worldwide leader in premium, dermatologist-recommended skin, hair and cosmetics products, Neutrogena Corporation has been providing consumers with health and beauty improvements for over 40 years.  The Company manufactures and markets a line of premium-priced skin and hair care products that are distributed in more than 70 countries.  Headquartered in Los Angeles, Neutrogena is a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, the world's most comprehensive and broadly based health care products company.

Camping Solutions with Radio Shack

***Disclosure-I received the Enercell 3000mAh and the ZAGG to review.  All opinions stated are my own based on my own personal experience.

I am not sure about you but around this time we start thinking about camping.  Going down to the lake and having some outdoor fun.  But when we go down to the lake there are no outlets, so what to do?  We do need to disconnect but what about communicating with each other.  We go camping as a group, the more the merrier.  So staying connected with our group is important.  I love the sounds of nature but I also need me some beats.  What to do when there are no outlets?

Do you find yourself wishing you had music, an outlet for a phone charger, or protection for your phone while you’re enjoying the great outdoors? RadioShack makes it easy to improve your next camping trip with a few tech necessities.

Don’t forget to pack these items that will make your camping adventure a better experience:

·         AUVIO Bluetooth® Portable Speaker – Enjoy your music without being tied down by headphones or killing your car battery with the AUVIO Bluetooth Portable Speaker. It's got a built-in rechargeable battery and plays up to 6 hours on a single charge. RadioShack offers two versions of this speaker; take a look at this video to decide which one is right for you.

·         Enercell 3000mAh Portable Power Bank – When you’re roughing it in the woods and there's no access to power, you can rely on the Enercell 3000mAh Portable Power Bank to keep you talking for up to 10 hours.

·         ZAGG® invisibleSHIELD™ – The easiest way to put a damper on your camping trip is ruining your phone. Prevent scratches with the ZAGG® invisibleSHIELD™, which applies directly to your phone, providing the toughest, most durable protection you will find. Available for multiple devices.

In addition to these must-have products, RadioShack has the solution that will help you avoid liquid damages if you get stuck camping in the rain. Coming soon, RadioShack will carry Samsung GS4 Active on AT&T, the Kyocera Hydro Elite on Verizon and the Kyocera Torque on Sprint. These phones will be able to handle low pressure water spray and 30 minutes of water immersion in up to 3.28 feet of water.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Houston COVERGIRL Premios Juventud Viewing Party

I was chosen to host the COVERGIRL Premios Juventud viewing party in Houston.  Thanks to Covergirl for providing a gift card for food, drinks, etc...they also provided makeup kits for each attendee.  

The fun night started when my 10 Houston bloggers all showed up.  We watched waiting to cheer on the New Covergirl Becky G.  She RocKed her performance on stage.  She also was featured in a couple of commercials.  Christy from did make overs for the ladies with their newly selected makeup kits.  I had a makeup station set up for touch ups and make overs.  Here are some pics of the fun we had.
The 3 Becky G inspired looks were a hit with the 2 teen daughter attendees we had present.  They loved the colors because they are so colorful and fun!  All in all, we had a blast from the JLo and Pitbull dip in the pool:
to ending the night with a sweet note...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Hunger Games:Catching Fire New poster

***Disclosure-No compensation was received.  Informational post only.

THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE begins as Katniss Everdeen has returned home safe after winning the 74th Annual Hunger Games along with fellow tribute Peeta Mellark.  Winning means that they must turn around and leave their family and close friends, embarking on a "Victor's Tour" of the districts.  Along the way Katniss senses that a rebellion is simmering, but the Capitol is still very much in control as President Snow prepares the 75th Annual Hunger Games (The Quarter Quell) - a competition that could change Panem forever. 
THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE will be directed by Francis Lawrence, and produced by Nina Jacobson’s Color Force in tandem with producer Jon Kilik. The novel on which the film is based is the second in a trilogy that has over 50 million copies in print in the U.S. alone.   
Lionsgate will release THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE on November 22, 2013.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Maite Perroni Premios Juventud

***Disclosure-No compensation was received.  Informational post only.

 Maite Perroni performed her 1st solo-single ‘Tu y Yo’ last night for the 1st time on television at the 10th annual Premios Juventud Awards with a bachata choreography that surprised many! Maite Perroni (actress and singer) is taking bold moves in her new solo music career (formerly part of Grupo RBD in Mexico) and is taking Pantene with her along for the ride as she gets ready to launch her 1st solo-album very soon! For her performance and red carpet hair look, our Pantene celebrity hairstylist, Gabriel Samra, was on site to make sure she shined all night long. Below are the step-by-steps in English and Spanish on how to get the look at home.

Bonus: FREE MP3 download of Maite Perroni’s new song ‘Tu y Yo’, exclusively at

ENGLISH: Maite Perroni ignites Premios Juventud
Beyond her artistic presentation, Maite served as one of the main hosts of the night changing her look 4 times where her beautiful Pantene mane was always the center of attention. Her hair was styled by the talented Pantene celebrity stylist, Gabriel Samra, with whom the artist has been working for some time. Quote: “We always want to showcase Maite’s beautiful Pantene hair and for tonight, since the theme was beach, we created a soft wave that looks fresh and sexy,” said Gabriel.
  1. Begin washing your hair with Pantene Pro-V Smooth Shampoo and Conditioner that contain an anti-humidity technology to lock out frizz and extend the life of your smooth style.
  2. Use a round brush to blow-dry hair uniformly.
  3. Divide hair into six sections and use a 1-inch curling iron to achieve even waves. Before curling each section around the iron, spray Pantene Pro-V Flexible Hold Hairspray.
  4. Set hair in place delicately with a wide-tooth comb.
  5. To finish, apply drops of Pantene Pro-V Smooth Serum with Argan Oil from Morocco to add shine and fight frizz instantly for up to 72 hours.

SPANISH: Maite Perroni enciende Premios Juventud
Además  de su participación artística, Maite Perroni fue una de las principales conductoras de la noche cambiando su look cuatro veces donde siempre sobresalió su hermosa melena Pantene. Su cabello estuvo a cargo del inigualable estilista de celebridades de Pantene, Gabriel Samra, con quien la artista lleva trabajando desde hace un tiempo. “Siempre queremos lucir la hermosa cabellera Pantene de Maite y para esta noche, donde predominaba el tema playero, hicimos una onda suave que se viera juvenil y sexy”, dijo Gabriel. Para aprender a lograr la onda playera que lució Maite a su llegada a Premios Juventud anoche sigue los siguientes pasos:
1.       Comienza lavando el cabello con el Champú y Acondicionador Smooth de Pantene Pro-V que contienen una tecnología anti-humedad para que tu cabello se mantenga suave y sedoso por más tiempo.
2.       Usando un cepillo redondo seca todo el cabello uniformemente.
3.       Divide el cabello en seis secciones verticales y utiliza una tenaza rizadora de 1 pulgada para lograr una onda pareja. Antes de enrizar cada sección en la tenaza, aplica el Flexible Hold Hairspray de Pantene Pro-V.
4.       Acomoda delicadamente todo el cabello usando un peine de dientes anchos.
5.       Para terminar, aplica unas gotas del Smooth Serum de Pantene Pro-V con Aceite de Argán de Marruecos para dar brillo y combatir el frizz al instante hasta por 72 horas.

COVERGIRL Becky G Premios Juventud 2013

***Disclosure-No compensation was received informational post only.

Last night marked COVERGIRL Becky G’s first time at Premios Juventud.  The 16 year old Mexican-American rapper, singer, songwriter performed her new EP track ‘Play It Again’ instantly winning over the crowds! Becky G was also nominated for ‘Premio Revelacion Juvenil’ and debuted her first bilingual COVERGIRL TV commercial during the live broadcast: To learn how to get Becky G’s red carpet look see step-by-step below in English and Spanish from her celebrity makeup artist, Sarah Uslan. 

  How to Recreate the Urban Glam look, COVERGIRL Becky G, Rocked at Univision’s Premios Juventud Beach Carpet
Makeup by Sarah Uslan, celebrity makeup artist: Miami is undoubtedly recognized for its tropical vibe which lends way to vibrant colors ultimately setting the tone behind COVERGIRL Becky G’s urban glam look on the Premios Juventud beach carpet last night.  Makeup artist, Sarah Uslan drew inspiration from Becky’s fans who voted between three eye looks inspired by COVERGIRL’s Flamed Out Collection. The winning eye look revealed on the ‘beach’ red carpet incorporated gold tones and hints of reds which complimented Becky G’s stamped suit and set the tone for the rest of her makeup.
1.       For the face, start out by applying COVERGIRL Clean Whipped Crème Foundation and afterwards, apply COVERGIRL Clean Glow Bronzer.
2.       To accent the cheek bones apply COVERGIRL Cheekers Blush and to set the look use COVERGIRL Clean Pressed Powder to finish off the face and reduce the brightness of the skin so that Becky G was camera ready.  
3.       For the eyes, apply COVERGIRL Flamed Out Shadow Pencil in Gold Flame (330) to entire inner corner of eyelid. Also use it to line the lower inner corner of eye.
4.       Softly apply COVERGIRL Flamed Out Shadow Pencil in Red-Hot Flame (310)  to outer corner of eye; gently smudge the Gold Flame and Red-Hot shades together with the finger across the middle of the eyelid to blend.
5.       Line the entire rim of the eye with COVERGIRL Ink It! By Perfect Point Plus, Charcoal Ink (250).
6.       Finish with COVERGIRL Flamed Out Mascara in Very Black Blaze (300) for a bold statement.
7.       For the lips, to add that Miami ‘sabor’, Becky G rocked COVERGIRL Lip Perfection in Flame (300) to add a pop of the tropics.

 Cómo recrear el look de glamor urbano de COVERGIRL Becky G, quien brilló en la alfombra playera de Premios Juventud
Por la maquillista de celebridades, Sarah Uslan: Sin duda, Miami es reconocida por su ambiente tropical que resalta los colores vibrantes y que inspiró el tono detrás del look de glamor urbano que lució COVERGIRL Becky G anoche, en la alfombra playera de los Premios Juventud. La artista de maquillaje, Sarah Uslan se inspiró con los fans de Becky G quienes votaron entre tres diferentes looks de maquillaje de ojos que fueron creados con la colección COVERGIRL Flamed Out. El look ganador que lució Becky G en la alfombra playera incorporaba tonos dorados y toques de rojo que complementan su traje estampado y establecieron el tono para el resto de su maquillaje. 
1.       Comienza por aplicar COVERGIRL Clean Whipped Crème FoundationLuego, aplica COVERGIRL Clean Glow Bronzer.
2.       Para acentuar los pómulos coloca COVERGIRL Cheekers Blush. Para fijar el look aplica un poco de  COVERGIRL Clean Pressed Powder y esto también ayuda reducir el brillo, para dejar la piel de Becky G lista para las cámaras.
3.       Para los ojos, aplicar el lápiz  COVERGIRL Flamed Out Shadow Pencil in Gold Flame (330) en toda esquina interna del párpado. También utilízalo para delinear  por dentro la esquina inferior del ojo.
4.       Suavemente aplica el lápiz COVERGIRL Flamed Out Shadow Pencil in Red-Hot Flame (310) hasta la esquina externa del ojo, difuminando suavemente los tonos Gold Flame and Red-Hot, mézclalos con los dedos en todo el centro del párpado.
5.       Delinea todo el borde del ojo con COVERGIRL Ink It! By Perfect Point Plus, Charcoal Ink (250).
6.       Para finalizar aplica COVERGIRL Flamed Out Mascara in Very Black Blaze (300)  para un look más audaz.
7.       Para los labios, para darle ese ‘sabor’ de Miami, Becky G resplandeció con el labial COVERGIRL Lip Perfection in Flame (300) que complementaba su look con un toque tropical.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

And the Winner is...Schlitterbahn Tickets

Congratulations goes to...

Kim C. said...
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xxkimhcxx at gmail dot com
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Had a hard week and you need to relax, head on down Schlitterbahn....  (Galveston)

1)  Wasserfest Swim-Up Bar and Heated Pool: Year-Round
2)  Kristal River
3)  Kristal Beach
4)  Blastenhoff Heated Pool

Go to and use the day planner to plan your water fun!

Our Summer Bucket List

***Disclosure-This is a sponsored post as a Britax Latina Advisory Board Member and Blogger. As always, all opinions, ideas, and stories stated here are clearly my own.

Summer is here.  What have you and the family been up to?  Any fun things?  Our Summer starts before others because work around my son's school schedule.  He starts school early and gets out early.  This year I wanted us to make a list of things to do over the Summer.  I saw the movie New Years and it inspired me.  It doesn't have to be about spending alot of money or traveling very far.  The list you make can be your very own and you can be as creative as you like.  Of course depending on your kid's ages the list will be different.
Here are some of the things on our list to get you inspired:

1)  Meet John Doe-Do know your neighbors?  When you step out of the your house do you feel like people are watching you?  Why not, step out and say hello to the neighbors.  So step #1 this Summer should be to meet new people, your neighbors, your mailman, etc...Remember back in the days when it took a village to raise a child.  Well do you know your village?  This is a great way for the kids to learn about their surroundings, teach them about strangers, and start a conversation.
2)  Laugh-Now that you have stepped out, comes step #2.  A smile goes a long way.  Did you know an upside down frown is a smile?  Do things that make you smile!  Make silly faces with your kids.  Play staring games.  Laughter can burn calories, release stress, and work your muscles.  Stop, think about it.  Have you laughed today?  Do you play tickles with your kids?  Do you get silly with them?
  3)  Blood is thicker than water-We do not have many family members here in Houston or in the United States, so we appreciate each other alot more.  Do you have family members you haven't visited?  Some people have family living around the corner.  Summer is a time to slow down with the kids.  Hangout with your extended family.  Work out schedules where someone can take the kids for the day if everyone works.  Work around all the schedules and make play dates.  Enjoy the people you love now, today.
4)  Discover-Use this time to keep the kids entertained while the discovering your world.  There are so many things to see, touch, hear, etc...  Climb, go underground, slip, slide, the point is to get out there.  You will be amazed how much they learn from the little ones to the big ones.  There things to discover in your backyard, front yard, grandmas, etc...  Like have your kids every caught a lady bug?  Different color lady bugs?  Followed a butterfly at the park?  Seen a bird's nest?  Make it fun for your kids.  Outdoor fun can lead to much discovery.
These are some things to get you thinking about your Summer.  Fun doesn't have cost anything.  Stop and smell the roses.... as parents we too need a little break sometimes.  Have you slowed down this summer?