Today's Topic-What have I learned about myself through my blogging?
The funniest thing...I started singing an old song but changed the words. I do that a lot.
"My blogging...
My blogging..
My blogging and Meeeeeee"
Remember the buddy song, buddy the bear. Yeah, I didn't have one but that song popped into my head. Ok, back to the topic.
I have learned that I like to write. Remember a few days ago I told you I disliked English. I hated Writing. I took the classes because I had to not because I wanted to. Writing has become an outlet for me. I like it. I learned that I am not the only one, and someone out there could be going through the same thing, thinking the same thoughts. Blogging helped me find a place to express myself. So I learned to be more open. I now take my time and reread what I write as I have a problem typing too fast.
I am still learning. This is the main reason I decided to do this NaBloPoMo. We will see what else I discover about myself.
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