
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Crack is Whack

No this post is not about drugs, well maybe a little.  My body is getting older and going through some changes.  I sweat a lot more than usual and I usually sweated a lot anyways.  What happens when you sweat?  You wipe it.  The more I wipe my skin, the drier I make it.  I moisturize my body everyday.  A part of my body I hate to admit that is super sweaty are my feet.  My name is Alba and I have cracked feet and crack is whack!    
Thanks to Zim's for sending me sample of Zim's CRACK Creme Creamy Daytime Formula to put it to the review on the blog and put to the test and maybe some relief.  All testing and opinions are all my own based on my personal experience. 
Zim's CRACK Creme Creamy Daytime Formula is an herbal formula that softens and moisturizes dry, cracked skin.  It was developed by a pharmacist.  This is the daytime creme, recommended for everyday use on hands, feet, elbows, and cuticles.  

Originally developed over 60 years ago to treat cement workers cracked, dry hands and feet.  It is a naturally based to soften and moisturizing your rough skin and tough patches on your elbows and feet.  The original liquid and creamy daytime products can help with dry split fingers often associated with dry atmosphere weather in wintertime or southwestern climates.

Simply by massaging a small amount where needed a few times a day to help achieve smoother, softer skin.

The top picture is my day to day, switching from pretty girl shoes to my work steel-toe shoes.  Having to wear this shoes with socks makes my feet sweat even more.  It has caused my feet to get dry and cracked in between my toes.  I started using this creme back in February.  It has helped my feet.  I had tried all kinds of lotions.  I put on layers and layers of lotion but no relief.  On weekends, I would air out my feet by wearing flip flops but that would only make me more conscious of the cracks.  But now, I am happy with my feet and my cracks have healed.
Summer is coming and I want to wear my flippy flops everywhere.  I can't do that with cracked feet.  I no longer have to worry about that. 

These feet are ready for some fun in the sun, are yours?

1 comment:

  1. I love lotions!!!! My feet need all the love they can get! I've never heard of this brand!
