Synopsis-In Backyard Wilderness: The Wild Around You, follow a young girl who discovers the intricate secrets that nature has hidden close to her front door. Absorbed by electronic devices, young Katie and her family are blind to the natural splendor all around them—until Katie uncovers a new world. This stunning film reveals animal inhabitants in rare and breathtaking detail, inside dens and nests, and moving along forest floors and pond bottoms.
When I was younger, I was not encouraged to get outdoors. Research was done in the library, inside the books. When my son was in school, he was encouraged to do his research in the web. The internet is a plethora of information. But I have always encouraged my kids to be hands on, explore, and be creative. I liked that this 3D movie invites you to step outside because you never know what you will discover. There is a whole other world, if you stop and pay attention. Disconnecting from our electronics and connecting with the environment.
Our family recommends this movie. We think it is perfect for families and it is for all ages.
For tickets and more information on Backyard Wilderness, visit or call (713) 639-4629.